Equipment by Category
We can supply to you automated solutions best suited for your requirements. The following pages list a snap-shot of solutions we supply and design and build inhouse for a wide range of industrial automation requirements.

The categories listed are not comprehensive, but only for the purposes of highlighting the varied range of work we do; so if you have an automation requirement even if it does not 'exactly' fit in one of the following, do speak to us, we may be of assistance.

Solutions & equipment By Category:
Select by  product type:
Fruit Cups Filled and collatedLebanese Flat/Pita Bread in a bagHang Cells (Camera Films) nested and collated
Lead Weights Pick and Place Robot from Die Casting MachineBiscuits collated and groupedMuesli Bar collated or collator
Wheel Weights Tipping and Weighing MachineArchitectural Disc DeburredSecondary Packaged collated product

Discuss with us what your requirements are.